
Shoyu - Soy sauce

Shoyu(しょうゆ、醤油), soy sauce in English, is very popular nowadays, isn't it?
Kikkoman bland is now very famous, even in a Chinese restaurant have some bottles of Kikkoman shoyu on their tables.

I use for my cooking a green-top Kikkoman shoyu which is less salt than the red-top one. 

Kikkoman green-top shoyu; my 1l and small table bottle. Sometimes I buy a ordinary red-top bottle but I prefer the green-top one.

You can buy a table bottle in almost every supermarket, but the big one was sold in the oriental superstores. It isn't cheep, though. It will cost you £ 7 to £ 8 per bottle. But if you're Japanese food lover and cooking an oriental food regularly, it worth to buy the big bottle. If you're new to the Japanese food, buy the small bottle. (less than £ 3)

Mackerel with the butter and shoyu.

Shoyu is very versatile. This is a must in your kitchen. You can cook the Japanese cuisine with it, of course, but also add shoyu to any dish. Just a dash of shoyu would be enhanced the aroma of your dish.
And then add the butter!!! It really good to get together so well. 
But, but, be careful, not too much, though, because there's quite lot of salt in it!