
Green Tea 日本茶、緑茶

You can find sushi packs in the chilled corner in the most of supermarket nowadays. Sushi is very popular food in the western counties, isn't it? I rather not to ague about the quality of the sushi here. You know what I mean, if you are a true sushi lover or had an experience of sushi in Japan!! 

Anyway, another boom recently is the green tea 緑茶. Most of tea traders sell green teas. Everybody now knows about a Matcha tea 抹茶, a strong powdered Japanese green tea usually for the tea ceremony 茶道 in Japan. Sometimes Matcha teas are used for baking, depending on the quality.

Green tea is a type of tea that is made from "Camellia sinensis" leaves that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation and process used to make oolong and black teaGreen tea originated in China, but its production has spread to many countries in Asia. The green teas are mainly Chinese tea here in the UK. There're some differences between the Japanese green teas and the Chinese green teas. 

While Chinese green tea was originally steamed, as it still is in Japan, after the early Ming Dynasty it has typically been processed by being pan-fired in a dry wok. 
Most of the Chinese green tea is half oxidized/fermented.  Black tea is fully oxidized/fermented.   

Kuki-cha 茎茶 top right - stems and leaves of the tea plants.

Sen-chi 煎茶 bottom left - leaf teas 
- usually, if you're saying "tea" is this tea, sen-cha, in Japan.
There're many different types of the tea in Japan.

Tea brewing set and tea leaves.

Japan shares some history with China for centuries.
Tea is one of them. Tea seeds brought to Japan from China first time by the buddhist monks, Saicho and Kukai, in the beginning 9th century. Emperor Saga introduced the practice of drinking tea to the imperial family but a buddhist monk Eisai advocated that all people drinking tea for the health benefits. Japan's oldest and most expensive high quality teas are from Uji area in Kyoto prefecture.

I don't think that not many people know how to consume the Japanese green tea 日本茶 traditionally or properly here. Of course, as long as you enjoy it, that doesn't matter how to do it. 
However, I suggest that you try the traditional way in the first time tasting the tea, then you can choose your way to drink. Because the Japanese green tea is very very sensitive taste, depending on the quality and how to storing and brewing. 

I will introduce the Japanese green tea to you here. Step by step.


Red Kidney Bean Ama-Natto 甘納豆

I made Ama-natto of butter beans and chic peas last year. This time I'll show you the another recipe. 

This Ama-natto(甘納豆)made by Red Kidney Beans.
There're many variety of Ama-natto as I made before. 
Soy beans, butter beans, chic peas etc, any beans and peas you can use for Ama-natto. I prefer using quite big beans. Dry or tined,,, doesn't mutter.
Sometimes you can use the vegetables like sweet potatoes and pumpkins. 
Oh, chestnuts are so good.

This recipe;
250g Red Kidney Beans
250g sugar (can be used less sugar)
1/2 tsp salt
some granulated sugar (option)

Soak the dry beans overnight.

Boil the beans in low heat very gently, maybe for over 1 hour, until the beans are softened. I want to keep the shape the beans so don't stir too much.
Through out some water (See picture left).
Put the same or less quantity of sugar into the this pan.
Leave the beans in the sugary water overnight or one day.

After another soaking,
Drain the beans. Maybe leaving in the colander or sieve for hours would be good idea.
Spread the beans evenly on the tray and place the tray in the oven at 70℃ and leave it until the beans are a little dry. But not too dry. The beans will be hard to eat. You don'y need to use the oven, just dry them at the room temperature. 

Coat the beans with the granulated sugar. 
If you don't like it, you don't need to add any sugar. It's option. But the letter Ama(甘) means sweet so a lot sugar is normal.

The Ama-natto can be frozen for a quite long time.


Happy New Year 2017

Thank you so much for reading my blog always.

I'm passionated in cooking. The Japanese cuisine(Washoku, 和食), including sushi is my destiny. I really would like to introduce the washoku to you more and more this year.

Now I added the Japanese sweets called Wagashi(和菓子)to my repertoire.
Wagashi is not yet popular in this country like sushi, at the moment. But if you had experience of these sweets, oh, you'd love them so much. Not like sushi, you can't buy the wagashi, easily, unless you live in London or a big city. But they are very very expensive as you know. Actually you can buy some oriental version of sweets in a oriental shop in a small city, but I don't think they are the same.

Matcha tea and Ichigo-daifuku and nama-yastuhashi


My ambition is that I wish to teach how to make the proper, authentic Washoku to the local people (professional chefs and cooks included). I really want everybody to know what is the proper Washoku (because the word means is not only the Japanese cuisine but also the Japanese culture, etc.) I always say that if you called a sushi chef yourself, you have to understand the culture as well.
So if you are interested in Washoku cuisine and culture, do not hesitate to contact me. I already have some sushi making classes in Bristol area. There will be some wagashi making classes as well this year soon.