
Moyashi - Bean sprout

Have you tried to cook "moyashi「もやし」 bean sprouts" before? Actually you can eat this vegetable row in a salad. 
Your answer would be "YES", if you cook an Asian dinner. Chinese and Korean cuisines use a lot of moyashi. Some Japanese dishes cook with moyashi as well. 

I don't think that many people cook moyashi regularly, unless you're a lover of the Asian food or just love cooking.
So do you think you prepare this oriental vegetable properly? 

I'm going to show how to prepare moyashi properly or the Japanese way. (I don't know how other people in another Asian countries to prepare moyashi like this.)

What do you need to do first, fill the water in a big bowl after take out the moyashi from the package and then soak them in the water. 
You can see the brownish roots in the end of moyashi (1st pic). You don't need this part. You have to pluck them with your fingers one by one. This job is very important process cooking moyashi in the Japanese cuisine. It's quite taking time for doing this. So you can do other things simultaneously. Yes, you need patience.
Rid of the roots, but not the top end, "Germs", which is the most nutritious part (3rd pic). Keep them as possible as you can. Now it's beautifully clean(2nd pic).
This will be taste much better. And kept moyashi in the container with the water in the refrigerator will keep moyashi fresh and much longer. It's similar to keep Tofu in the water. In both cases, you have to change the water every day or twice a day. 

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